Just as I do for clients, I want to inspire individuals to research, study, test and evaluate
their personal brand. Dig deep and do the hard work. Find out where you are in life.
Chart the direction you want to go. Create that path. It's up to us
to understand who we are, and to use our unique fabric to present truth,
promote compassion and live life fearlessly.
Take your mind to a place that you ultimately want to be. Think it. Imagine it.
Make it so real that you can see it all.
Only then, will you achieve it.
Bringing a vision to fruition is the masterful art of the graphic designer.
Developing a look that evokes a particular emotion, portraying an image that others are attracted to, that the masses aspire to is the ultimate challenge. With any situation in life, if you're going to reach your goal, you've got to envision how you'll feel once you obtain that goal. That's the motivation. Working past the fear of starting out because you can see the finish line so clearly.
Why the name Dew? Because with each passing day, the dew of the morning is consistent.
It is an opportunity to make a fresh start. It is quiet and serene, and a time to center your
thoughts and choose your outlook for the day.
Dew Brand Identity & Graphic Design is for the weak and the tough, the lost and the found. It is for perfectly average 10s. It is here to help you to find your light. So find out what ignites it and how that light can shine on others around you. Others can benefit from your light!